Sunday, February 23, 2020

Week 24 Year 2019-20

Week 24

1. MASL U3E:2  Where is...?  Pg 81-82 (pdf 11-12)
---Ask the partner where the location is and then the partner will give direction.
2. Video: Cities Popular Signs
2a. Video Major Cities in US and Canada in ASL
3.  Practice ASL University Lesson #8 

1. Spatial Agreement Reading and Questions
2. Practice signing Distances Far-Moderate Far-Near<--- Video
3. Major Cities in US and Canada in ASL--Write the name of the city and how you would sign it.  (35) Practice signing the Cities
4. Video:   50 States Practice...

1. MASL U3E:1 How Far Away is that? 
---> Sign the hometown & State indicate how far it is.
Practice and then sign with a partner to Schoology Camera.

1.  Practice ASL University Lesson #8 
Sign Two Videos one for 8B sentences and one for 8C sentences.

MASL Pg 84 Name Signs Reading: Create a user guide with Google Slides