Sunday, December 15, 2019

Week 16 Year 2019-20

Week 16

Monday-- 1.  Master ASL do the Class activity D  on PDF page 9 & 10
2.   Introduce: ASL University Lesson 6 list
2a. ASL University Lesson 6 video
2b. ASL University Lesson 6 web-page

1.  Master ASL Notes Reading and Questions
Pg 1  (Reading: original Unit 2 notes)
Slide presentation Unit 2 part 1 notes 

Finish Wednesday after Deaf News Article summary
2.  Introduce: ASL University Lesson 6 list
2a. ASL University Lesson 6 video
2b. ASL University Lesson 6 web-page

1. Opener Video: Beginning American Sign Language-Week Nine-Fingerspelling and Numbers Practice

2. Deaf News Article Summary Use the News Link Here and Yahoo Newsfeed

--Choose one News Article from the list using the internet and Chromebook and fill out the Graphic organizer about that News Article


3.  Introduce: ASL University Lesson 6 list
3a. ASL University Lesson 6 video
3b. ASL University Lesson 6 web-page


1.  Master ASL Notes Reading and Questions
Pg  2 (Reading: original Unit 2 notes)
Slide presentation Unit 2 part 1 notes 

2.Finish Deaf News Article summary

 3.  Introduce: ASL University Lesson 6 list
3a. ASL University Lesson 6 video
3b. ASL University Lesson 6 web-page


1.  Christmas Signs:

2.  Learn ASL: Sign language vocabulary for winter holidays: Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Week 15 Year 2019-20

Week 15
Focus Activity for Week Dec 10-Dec 14

Opener Video: Deaf Heroes Marlee Matlin
1. MASL Unit 2 "Getting Started" Activity  B (Pg 3-6)

2.  Introduce: ASL University Lesson 6 list
2a. ASL University Lesson 6 video
2b. ASL University Lesson 6 web-page

Tuesday= Late Start
1.   MASL Unit 2 "Getting Started" Activity C   (Pg 7-8)

Review and then Game: Sentences Telephone
2.  Introduce: ASL University Lesson 6 list
2a. ASL University Lesson 6 video
2b. ASL University Lesson 6 web-page

Library Day
1.  One Famous Deaf Person Research
 Famous Deaf Person
Your choices of Deaf Person are:
A. Alice Cogswell Link and Picture
B. Laurent Clerc Link  and Picture -- Additional Resource
C. Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet and Picture  and  Link #2 
D. Abbe Sicard  and Picture
--Choose one of the famous Deaf person from the list above

--Research using the internet and Chromebook and fill out the Graphic organizer about that Deaf person

When finished Practice the following:
2.  Introduce: ASL University Lesson 6 list
2a. ASL University Lesson 6 video
2b. ASL University Lesson 6 web-page

Thursday= Library Day
1.  Fingerspelling Sign each Activity 2X each
Do activity 14-18 MASL FS (pg 6)Or (PDF Pg 43)
Directions: Sign one activity from three of the activities listed
to Schoology Week 15
--Choose to fingerspell one of the activities from the following activities
14. First & Last 
16. OH Drill
17. Double-Letter Drill. 

2.  Make a one slide poster that telling about the famous person you chose... 
Print and submit include:
a.  One picture of your famous Deaf person
b.  4 Life Facts about your famous Deaf person
c.   1 reason for your Deaf person fame. 
d. One quote from/or made about or by the famous Deaf person
e.  Include your name  

1a. Video: Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet

1. Introduce: ASL University Lesson 6 list
1a. ASL University Lesson 6 video
1b. ASL University Lesson 6 web-page

2.  Work on-- Thursday assignments FS / One Slide Poster in Schoology week 15.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Week 14 Year 2019-20

Week 14

1. Introduce: ASL University Lesson 6 list
1a. ASL University Lesson 6 video
1b. ASL University Lesson 6 web-page

2. Practice Pledge of Allegiance
1.  Assignment: Pledge of Allegiance
2.  Video: Pledge of Allegiance LINK

1. MASL Unit 2 "Getting Started" Activity A & B (Pg 3-6)

2. Practice Pledge of Allegiance

1.  Assignment: Pledge of Allegiance Sign Final draft to computer
Schoology week 14
2.  Video: Pledge of Allegiance LINK

3.  Sign any 5 of the MASL A #2 sentences 1-8 Pg 41

Thursday-- Library
1.  Through Deaf Eyes (Deaf Culture) video part 1
1a. Questions Part 1

1.  Notes Directionality
2.  Notes-- Why no signs for...  to Accent step "unclear"
3.   Through Deaf Eyes (Deaf Culture) video part 2
3a. Questions Part 2

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Week 13 Year 2019-20

Week 13
Focus Activity--. Focus Activity- Nov19--Nov 20

Monday =

1. Opener Video: Classifier Practice

2.  Practice: ASL University Lesson 5

3.  Sign Language Lessons - Thanksgiving ASL (Chad Shumaker)
    3a. Learn ASL: Sign about Thanksgiving and Black Friday in American Sign Language
         3b.  Thanks for Thanksgiving | ASL Storytime for Kids | Thanksgiving Picture Book | English Voiceover

4.  ( Thanksgiving Vocabulary sheet)
4a.  Write 5 ASL Sentences to with Thanksgiving Theme and sign them to a partner and then the class.  

5. Finish or work on TEST From Friday Schoology Week 12

Tuesday =

1. Opener Video:  Happy Thanksgiving! story ASL

2.  Sign Language Lessons - Thanksgiving (ASL Snippets #18)

3.  Through Deaf Eyes (Deaf Culture) video part 1
3a. Questions Part 1

Wednesday =

No School

Thursday =

No School Thanksgiving

Friday =

No School

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Week 12 Year 2019-20

Week 12

Monday =

1. Opener Video: a.) Gallaudet: The Film b. Gallaudet University: JumpStart Promotion c. Gallaudet University building designed especially for the deaf and hard of hearing d. Gallaudet Football ESPN Special e. Swimming equality f. Gallaudet chemistry and physics

2.  Read and answer questions about Deaf Culture and

---> Pair Share with Sentences

1.  Introduce Pledge of Allegiance-->LINK
2.  Video: Pledge of Allegiance LINK
3.  Pledge Vocabulary--LINK

4.  Review for Unit 1 Final TEST Work on Review (if Ready)
--Use UNIT 1 notes

1.  Assignment: Pledge of Allegiance Sign Rough draft 1 to computer
Schoology week 12
2.  Video: Pledge of Allegiance LINK

3.  Review for Unit 1 Final TEST
--Use UNIT 1 notes

Station Rotation:  In-class (Video Pledge- Review WKs #2- Vocabulary review)

1.  Assignment: Pledge of Allegiance Sign Rough draft 2 to computer
Schoology week 12
1a.  Video: Pledge of Allegiance LINK

2.  Review for Unit 1 Final TEST
--Use UNIT 1 notes

3.  ASL University Lesson 5 vocabulary and sentences.
---> Pair Share with Sentences
4.   Practice the numbers 1-25

TEST Unit 1 Schoology
--Use UNIT 1 notes

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Week 11 Year 2019-20

Week 11

1. Review of ASL University Lesson #5--vocab.
1a.  ASL university lesson 5 Practice sheet
2. MASL  activity V and W pg 29 & 30

Tuesday -- Late Start
1. Introduction Dialogue Practice alone
2. Introduction Dialogue Practice with a partner
3. Introduction Dialogue on the Road. (two other classmates)
4.  Focus Activity- Nov 11--Nov 15

Wednesday-- Library
1. Introduction Dialogue Practice alone Recorded in week 11 Schoology Folder
2.  Review ASL university lesson 5 Practice sheet

1. Record 5 vocabulary words and 5 sentences from the ASL University Lesson #5--vocab. to Schoology folder week 11.

2.   Fingerspelling practice Page 4 activities 8-9-10
    2a.  Video Record Yourself fingerspelling one of the columns in the box labeled: Four-letter Names-->Record in week 11 Schoology
**Start with the Recording of the four-Letter Names.

1. Unit Review Page 34 & 35 in Unit 1 MASL book.
Review worksheet...

2.  Review ASL university lesson 5 Practice sheet

3.  Start watching the Video: The Pledge of Allegiance - Signed in ASL (slow speed) / Normal Speed

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Week 10 Year 2019-20

Week 10

1. Focus Activity- Oct 5--Nov 9
2.  ASL University Lesson #5--vocab
3.  ASL University Lesson #5--video Old  and video New
4. ASL University Lesson
5.   Introduction:  Pre-Video work and practice -->>  Write up and Practice introductions for a video presentation on Wednesday practice,  Next week for a test grade.   

1. Review of ASL University Lesson #5--vocab.
2. MASL  activity T and U pg 29 & 30

1. Video work on Introduction:  Pre-Video work and practice -->>  Write up and Practice introductions for a video presentation on Wednesday practice,  Next week for a test grade.   

2. Review of ASL University Lesson #5--vocab.

Library / Computer work:
1. Focus Activity- Oct 5--Nov 9
2. Opener Video: FingerSpelling Video 4 letter words

3. Directions: Create 3 columns Label  1) Normal speed,  2) .75 speed,  3) Normal speed again
a.  On Lined paper Write out the First 15 words at Normal Speed
b.  On Lined paper Write out the First 15 words at .75  Speed
c.  On Lined paper Write out the First 15 words at Normal Speed

3.  Fingerspelling Practice 4 Letter words

4.  Video:  How do you feel? Signs 

1. Review of ASL University Lesson #5--vocab.
2. MASL  activity V and W pg 29 & 30

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Week 9 Year 2019-20

Week 9


Focus Activity- -Go to Slide October 22-26 for the correct day of the Month
1. Introduce ASL University Lesson # 4: Start ASL University Lesson 4 
3.  Practice new vocabulary ASL University #4: Start ASL University Lesson 4 
     ASL-Slides:  5 parameters of ASL 
     Practice--5 Parameters Poster Activity and 5 Signs with parameters...
Use White Paper...
  1. Create a “mnemonic device
    - a memorable phrase using the first letters of each parameter to help remember them.. (H,L,M,O,E)
You may use the parameters in any order.

  1. Create a poster illustrating your phrase

  2. Your poster MUST include:
    the phrase, an illustration, and a description of each parameter. 

    List:  Two examples using any two signs...
    (i.e. The French Fry picture below meets all requirements)

1.  Assessment [?] (test/quiz) --

Thursday =  1/2 Day-->
1.  Practice: INTRODUCTIONS:  Write up and Practice introductions for a video presentation on Monday and  Tuesday next week

Friday= Sub- ASL Network Conference
1.  Introduction to ASL Reading and Questions

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Week 8 Year 2019-20

Week 8

1.  Sentence Practice ASLUL#4-->
Vocabulary: Review ASL Univerity Lesson #4
Video ASLUL#4

2.  Notes ASL  part Why do I have to point twice?

3.  Questions MASL activity N pages 21-22--Give time in class Tuesday

Tuesday-- Late Start
1.  Practice-- Review ASL Univerity Lesson #4
Video ASLUL#4
2.  Activity N Reading & Questions


1. Notes: Facial expression and Non-manual Signals

2.  Facial expression and Non-manual Signals-Activity MASL P & Q

3.  Vocabulary: Review ASL Univerity Lesson #4
Video ASLUL#4

1.  Fingerspelling MASL Activity 11-12-13  pg #5

2. Vocabulary: Review ASL Univerity Lesson #4
Video ASLUL#4

1.  Master ASL--Activities R and S

2.  Activity-- Using the Camera on the Chromebook goto Schoology using this link.  Go to week 8 folder Open the assignment Let's Make Faces. 

--Click on the submit assignment button on the right side of the screen. Open it click on the "create" and then the microphone then the Video/Audion.  You may have to enable the camera/microphone/flash if so and don't know how to do call Ferzo over to help. Then you will be ready to video...


2a.  Assignment: In the activity R you will be asked to match faces with the NMS/Facial Expression-- Then with the camera I want you to fingerspell the NMS/Facial Expression-and then make the NMS/Facial Expression-

3.  Activity S Practice and Sign the 5 sentences using correct NMS to Schoology Week 8
--Click on the submit assignment button on the right side of the screen. Open it click on the "create" and then the microphone then the Video/Audion.  You may have to enable the camera/microphone/flash if so and don't know how to do call Ferzo over to help. Then you will be ready to video...


Wednesday--Quiz-- Notes--Vocabulary--Activities A-Q

Monday, October 14, 2019

Week 7 Year 2019-20

Week 7

Monday-- (Assembly Schedule)

1.  Vocabulary Review ASL Univerity Lesson #4
Video ASLUL#4

2.  Notes: Greetings

3.  MASL Activity M

1.  Vocabulary Review ASL Univerity Lesson #4
Video ASLUL#4

2. Review  MASL Activity M

3. MASL Activity O MASL and reading.

4.  Notes ASL Sentence structure

TESTING --> JR. Class Real PSAT Test

1.  Sentence Practice ASLUL#4-->
Vocabulary Review ASL Univerity Lesson #4
Video ASLUL#4

2.  Notes ASL Sentence structure part 2

3. Questions MASL activity O pages 23-24


1.  Sentence Practice ASLUL#4-->
Vocabulary Review ASL Univerity Lesson #4
Video ASLUL#4

2.  Notes ASL  part Eye contact notes


4.  Questions MASL activity N pages 21-22

1.  Sentence Practice ASLUL#4-->
Vocabulary Review ASL Univerity Lesson #4
Video ASLUL#4

2.  Notes ASL  part Why do I have to point twice?

3.  Class Activity No Voice-- Directions are given in class.

4.  Questions MASL activity N pages 21-22 (next week)

Monday, October 7, 2019

Week 6 Year 2019-20

Week 6

Monday =

1a. Video: Video: Introduction Gallaudet University
1. Deaf President Now

2.ASL Video opener Video Deaf Culture See family with Deaf Dad.

3. Continue and or Start the Deaf President Now video from Deaf Mosaic: Deaf Culture: Deaf President Now Video
4. Complete the Video worksheet fill in any blanks: DPN: Video worksheet


Tuesday Late Start

1.  Master ASL activities I & J

1. Introduce Practice Vocabulary for ASLU 4

2.  MASL Activity K and L pages 17-18

Thursday-- Half-day Conferences

Review  Practice Vocabulary for ASLU 4

Quiz ASL University Lesson #4
? Schoology Quiz Computers

Notes Unit #1

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Week 5 Year 2019-20

Week 5
(Willingness to Work and effort and attentiveness will be evaluated during the activities this week in class)

  1. ASL Video Opener:  Benefits of ASL ┃ ASL Stew
  2. Review  Lesson 2 Link - Lesson 1 Link  
  3. •Introduce: New Vocabulary ASLUniversity Lesson 3  (practice new vocabulary and sentences )
  4. Practice the following Below:
  5. Sentence practice ASL University Lesson 1 & Lesson 2 
  6. Colors/Wh-questions/phrases/descriptors/how are you? What’s up? responsesFinger Spelling practice "ab"-"im" 
(practice new vocabulary and sentences )
2. Review and practice exercise E and F MASL pg 9
3.  Introduce and practice exercise G MASL pg 11 & 12

(practice new vocabulary and sentences )
2.  Review and practice exercise G MASL pg 11 & 12
3.  Introduce and practice exercise H MASL pg 13 & 14
      (Getting the attention of a Deaf person)

(practice new vocabulary and sentences )

(practice new vocabulary and sentences )

2.  Review: Sentence practice ASL University Lesson 1 & Lesson 2 

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Week 4 Year 2019-20

Week 4 (Activities may change)
Monday =

Tuesday = Late start

Wednesday =

Thursday =

Friday =
Attendance Then ASL 1 Quiz (10 ? 4 static signs, 3 FS words, 3 sentence))
Video of the day ASL Fingerspelling
Practice / Review: Small group Review rotation: Lesson 1 Signs, Finger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words, Color/Description signs (9-18), ASL University Lesson 2
New Signs Lesson #2
Agenda for the day PPT

Make up TEST WEEK #3

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Week 3 Year 2019-20

Week 3

Week 3
Monday =
  1. Attendance FS Last names (Students)
  2. Video of the day: Little Red Riding Hood
  3. Practice / Review: Survival Signs slide 3What's up/How are you signs slide 5,  Lesson 1 SignsFinger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words,Color/Description signs (9-18) 
  4.  Numbers 1-10 Computer needed 
  5. Video numbers 1-10   and  Video #2
  6. New Signs Lesson #2  or ASL University Lesson 2

Tuesday =
  1. Attendance FS Last names (Students)
  2. Video of the day David goes to School
  3. Practice / Review: Survival Signs slide 3What's up/How are you signs slide 5,  Lesson 1 SignsFinger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words,Color/Description signs (9-18) 
  4.  Numbers 1-10 Computer needed 
  5. Video numbers 1-10   and  Video #2
  6. New Signs Lesson #2  or ASL University Lesson 2
Wednesday =
  1. Attendance FS Last names (Students)
  2. Video of the day ASL: Beginner Conversational Words and Phrases
  3. Practice / Review: Survival Signs slide 3What's up/How are you signs slide 5,  Lesson 1 SignsFinger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words,Color/Description signs (9-18) 
  4.  Numbers 1-10 Computer needed 
  5. Video numbers 1-10   and  Video #2
  6.  Survival Signs TEST
Thursday =
  1. Attendance FS Last names (Students)
  2. Video of the day Imagine Dragons - I Bet My Life ASL
  3. Practice / Review: Small group Review rotation:  Lesson 1 Signs, (See #8 for alternative activity Finger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words) ,  Color/Description signs (9-18)
  4.  New Signs Lesson #2  or ASL University Lesson 2
  5.  How to:  Greetings and Taking Leave
  6. Video: Signing Naturally Level 2 Unit 7.11 Culture: Greetings and Leave-Takings (background)
  7. Vocabulary associated with Greetings/Leaving: Greetings & Responses Vocabulary | ASL - American Sign Language see handout from Wed. 
  8.  MASL Fingerspelling practice handout pgs 1-2 and do exercise #1 solo 5x each column then 1 last time where you sign to a partner and they write what you sign. 
Friday =
Sub-- 1.  Do Fingerseek #13
          2.  Practice Vocabulary from ASL University Lesson 1 and 2 including sentences. 

  1. Attendance FS Last names (Students)
  2. Video of the day
  3. Practice / Review:  Lesson 1 SignsFinger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words,Color/Description signs (9-18),   New Signs Lesson #2  or ASL University Lesson 2
  4.   FS Quiz