1. Focus Activity- Oct 5--Nov 9
2. ASL University Lesson #5--vocab
3. ASL University Lesson #5--video Old and video New
4. ASL University Lesson
5. Introduction: Pre-Video work and practice -->> Write up and Practice introductions for a video presentation on Wednesday practice, Next week for a test grade.
1. Review of ASL University Lesson #5--vocab.
2. MASL activity T and U pg 29 & 30
1. Video work on Introduction: Pre-Video work and practice -->> Write up and Practice introductions for a video presentation on Wednesday practice, Next week for a test grade.
2. Review of ASL University Lesson #5--vocab.
Library / Computer work:
1. Focus Activity- Oct 5--Nov 9
2. Opener Video: FingerSpelling Video 4 letter words
3. Directions: Create 3 columns Label 1) Normal speed, 2) .75 speed, 3) Normal speed again
a. On Lined paper Write out the First 15 words at Normal Speed
b. On Lined paper Write out the First 15 words at .75 Speed
c. On Lined paper Write out the First 15 words at Normal Speed
3. Fingerspelling Practice 4 Letter words
4. Video: How do you feel? Signs
1. Review of ASL University Lesson #5--vocab.
2. MASL activity V and W pg 29 & 30