Sunday, September 29, 2019

Week 5 Year 2019-20

Week 5
(Willingness to Work and effort and attentiveness will be evaluated during the activities this week in class)

  1. ASL Video Opener:  Benefits of ASL ┃ ASL Stew
  2. Review  Lesson 2 Link - Lesson 1 Link  
  3. •Introduce: New Vocabulary ASLUniversity Lesson 3  (practice new vocabulary and sentences )
  4. Practice the following Below:
  5. Sentence practice ASL University Lesson 1 & Lesson 2 
  6. Colors/Wh-questions/phrases/descriptors/how are you? What’s up? responsesFinger Spelling practice "ab"-"im" 
(practice new vocabulary and sentences )
2. Review and practice exercise E and F MASL pg 9
3.  Introduce and practice exercise G MASL pg 11 & 12

(practice new vocabulary and sentences )
2.  Review and practice exercise G MASL pg 11 & 12
3.  Introduce and practice exercise H MASL pg 13 & 14
      (Getting the attention of a Deaf person)

(practice new vocabulary and sentences )

(practice new vocabulary and sentences )

2.  Review: Sentence practice ASL University Lesson 1 & Lesson 2 

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Week 4 Year 2019-20

Week 4 (Activities may change)
Monday =

Tuesday = Late start

Wednesday =

Thursday =

Friday =
Attendance Then ASL 1 Quiz (10 ? 4 static signs, 3 FS words, 3 sentence))
Video of the day ASL Fingerspelling
Practice / Review: Small group Review rotation: Lesson 1 Signs, Finger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words, Color/Description signs (9-18), ASL University Lesson 2
New Signs Lesson #2
Agenda for the day PPT

Make up TEST WEEK #3

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Week 3 Year 2019-20

Week 3

Week 3
Monday =
  1. Attendance FS Last names (Students)
  2. Video of the day: Little Red Riding Hood
  3. Practice / Review: Survival Signs slide 3What's up/How are you signs slide 5,  Lesson 1 SignsFinger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words,Color/Description signs (9-18) 
  4.  Numbers 1-10 Computer needed 
  5. Video numbers 1-10   and  Video #2
  6. New Signs Lesson #2  or ASL University Lesson 2

Tuesday =
  1. Attendance FS Last names (Students)
  2. Video of the day David goes to School
  3. Practice / Review: Survival Signs slide 3What's up/How are you signs slide 5,  Lesson 1 SignsFinger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words,Color/Description signs (9-18) 
  4.  Numbers 1-10 Computer needed 
  5. Video numbers 1-10   and  Video #2
  6. New Signs Lesson #2  or ASL University Lesson 2
Wednesday =
  1. Attendance FS Last names (Students)
  2. Video of the day ASL: Beginner Conversational Words and Phrases
  3. Practice / Review: Survival Signs slide 3What's up/How are you signs slide 5,  Lesson 1 SignsFinger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words,Color/Description signs (9-18) 
  4.  Numbers 1-10 Computer needed 
  5. Video numbers 1-10   and  Video #2
  6.  Survival Signs TEST
Thursday =
  1. Attendance FS Last names (Students)
  2. Video of the day Imagine Dragons - I Bet My Life ASL
  3. Practice / Review: Small group Review rotation:  Lesson 1 Signs, (See #8 for alternative activity Finger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words) ,  Color/Description signs (9-18)
  4.  New Signs Lesson #2  or ASL University Lesson 2
  5.  How to:  Greetings and Taking Leave
  6. Video: Signing Naturally Level 2 Unit 7.11 Culture: Greetings and Leave-Takings (background)
  7. Vocabulary associated with Greetings/Leaving: Greetings & Responses Vocabulary | ASL - American Sign Language see handout from Wed. 
  8.  MASL Fingerspelling practice handout pgs 1-2 and do exercise #1 solo 5x each column then 1 last time where you sign to a partner and they write what you sign. 
Friday =
Sub-- 1.  Do Fingerseek #13
          2.  Practice Vocabulary from ASL University Lesson 1 and 2 including sentences. 

  1. Attendance FS Last names (Students)
  2. Video of the day
  3. Practice / Review:  Lesson 1 SignsFinger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words,Color/Description signs (9-18),   New Signs Lesson #2  or ASL University Lesson 2
  4.   FS Quiz

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Week 2 Year 2019-20

Week #2
Monday =
  1. Attendance FS Last names (Students)
  2. Video of the day: UMSL St. Louis Storytelling Festival 2012 - Noah Buchholz (Birth Story)
  3. ASL U Lesson 1 Vocabulary Video 1 for 1/2 class
  4. Practice Cards Lesson 1a-d 15 minutes
  5. Mirror Game— One person signs and the other person Mirrors the sign start with survival sighs and go through all signs then switch
  6. Teacher--> Practice / Review: Survival Signs, Lesson 1 SignsFinger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words,
  7. Teacher--> for later Date: Practice: Class Agenda PowerPoint (Master ASL pages 3-6)

Tuesday = ()
  1. Attendance FS Last names (Students)
  2. Video of the day: Fish story
  3. Practice Cards Lesson 1a-d 15 minutes
  4. ASL U Lesson 1 Vocabulary Video 1 for 1/2 class and YouTube Link
  5.  Ready to Blend?Technology Survey
  6. Teacher-->for later Date: Practice Practice / Review: Survival Signs, Lesson 1 SignsFinger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words,
  7. Teacher-->for later Date: Practice  Class Agenda PowerPoint (Master ASL pages 3-6)

Wednesday =
  1. Attendance: Practice Vocabulary ASL U Lesson 1 / Alphabet / Finger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words,
  2. Video of the day:  ASL: WH-word Question Signs
  3.  Introduce Survival Signs,
  4. Finger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words,
  5.  MASL Exercises A & B page 5-6  
 Additional activities as needed 1-3 
  1.   Teacher--> time permits: Lesson 1 Signs
  2.  Teacher--> for later Date: Bucket Game With Survival signs added 
  3. Teacher--> for later Date: Introduce ASL Culture: (rules for behavior )
Thursday =
  1. Attendance FS Last names (Students)
  2. Video of the day: Around the News by Ken Davis in ASL - 9-13-17
  3. Practice Cards Lesson 1a-d 15 minutes and Vocabulary 
  4. Class Review Survival Signs
  5. Finger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words
  6. ASL U Lesson 1 Vocabulary Video 1 for 1/2 class
  7. Science News in ASL: Mangrove Trees Video of the day:
  8. Practice / Review: Survival Signs,  Lesson vocab 1 Practice
  9.  FS Quiz
Friday =
  1. Attendance 
  2. Practice Vocabulary ASL U Lesson 1 / Alphabet Finger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words,/ Survival Signs
  3. Video of the day: Science News in ASL
  4.  Class Review Survival Sign: Survival Signs, Link --> Class Agenda PowerPoint 
  5. Introduce Lesson 1 vocabulary ABC book (Link-->Lesson 1 Link)
  6. ASL U Lesson 1 Vocabulary Video 1 for 1/2 class  15 minutes Practice Cards Lesson 1a-d
  7. Quiz Vocabulary and FS Lesson 1 ASLU
  8.  Teacher--> for later Date: Practice / Review: Lesson 1 SignsFinger Spelling practice "ab"-"ar" words, Color/Description signs (9-18)
  9.  Teacher--> for later Date: Class Agenda PowerPoint

Monday, September 2, 2019

Week 1 Year 2019-20

Monday-- No Class Holiday

 1. Seating chart Fingerspelling names
2. Fingerspell chart Manual alphabet
Attendance Finger spell (FS) Names:
Voices off
Why Voices off
Vocab Survival Signs
(28 Signs)
Homework: Study fingerspelling Chart
  1. Why no Voice in ASL Class 

    Video: The Three Wishes by Cindy Cummings (ASL Class)

  2. ASL University Lesson 1 Vocabulary

  3. ASL University Video: Lesson 1

  4. Practice ASL University Practice sheet 1

Wednesday-See above for 2016 class

Attendance FS
Review Classroom Survival Signs
Review voices off (Handout fill in)
Mirror Game—

 1. Pretest for Semester--Next Week
2.  Practice alphabet -- Sit when seeing name game.
3.  Group: Introduce and Practice vocabulary for lesson 1 ASL University when finished with alphabet practice.

ASL University Video: Lesson 1
Practice ASL University Practice sheet 1

Agenda for Class Link Day 3
Attendance –Student Lead
Fingerspelling Thursday-
Receptive Practice Quiz—Fingerspelling
Telephone Game--

1.  ASL University Video: Lesson 1 about 5-10 minutes

2.  Why no Voice in ASL Class  

3. Fingerspelling practice (Alphabet / Names)

5.  Review with teacher vocabulary and sentences Lesson 1

New Signs: introduce new signs related to greetings
 (79 signs)