Monday, September 2, 2019

Week 1 Year 2019-20

Monday-- No Class Holiday

 1. Seating chart Fingerspelling names
2. Fingerspell chart Manual alphabet
Attendance Finger spell (FS) Names:
Voices off
Why Voices off
Vocab Survival Signs
(28 Signs)
Homework: Study fingerspelling Chart
  1. Why no Voice in ASL Class 

    Video: The Three Wishes by Cindy Cummings (ASL Class)

  2. ASL University Lesson 1 Vocabulary

  3. ASL University Video: Lesson 1

  4. Practice ASL University Practice sheet 1

Wednesday-See above for 2016 class

Attendance FS
Review Classroom Survival Signs
Review voices off (Handout fill in)
Mirror Game—

 1. Pretest for Semester--Next Week
2.  Practice alphabet -- Sit when seeing name game.
3.  Group: Introduce and Practice vocabulary for lesson 1 ASL University when finished with alphabet practice.

ASL University Video: Lesson 1
Practice ASL University Practice sheet 1

Agenda for Class Link Day 3
Attendance –Student Lead
Fingerspelling Thursday-
Receptive Practice Quiz—Fingerspelling
Telephone Game--

1.  ASL University Video: Lesson 1 about 5-10 minutes

2.  Why no Voice in ASL Class  

3. Fingerspelling practice (Alphabet / Names)

5.  Review with teacher vocabulary and sentences Lesson 1

New Signs: introduce new signs related to greetings
 (79 signs)