1. Opener Video:
Telling Location of Objects in ASL: Conveying Distance
Major Cities in US and Canada in ASL
World Continents and Regions in ASL
Countries in ASL - 2013 Summer
50 States of America - 2nd Edition | ASL - American Sign Language
Michigan cities signs
2. Review: Sentences ASL University Lesson 7ASL University Lesson 7 Sheet
3. Cardinal Numbers 1-60
1. MASL Class exercise 3D:1 ---> 3D:1 Dialogue
2. Practice States and Cities from Monday see links.
1. Reading Douglas Tilden Deaf Artist Link pages 5 & 6
2. Questions: SN 3-3 Deaf Profile Douglas Tilden—Answer questions about D.T from the profile
3. Review: Sentences ASL University Lesson 7ASL University Lesson 7 Sheet
1. Reading Douglas Tilden Deaf Artist Link pages 5 & 6
2. Questions: SN 3-3 Deaf Profile Douglas Tilden—Answer questions about D.T from the profile
3. Review: Sentences ASL University Lesson 7ASL University Lesson 7 Sheet
1. MASL Class exercise 3D:2 ---> 3D:2 Where?
Directions: Write in ASL Gloss the response to where you would find the items in the pictures in the activity.
2. Sign your 8 sentences to Schoology week 22 Practice (Thursday)
1. MASL Class exercise 3D:2 ---> 3D:2 Where?
Directions: Write in ASL Gloss the response to where you would find the items in the pictures in the activity.
2. Sign your 8 sentences to Schoology week 22 Practice (Thursday)
1. TEST--ASL U Lesson 7/ Cities & States/ Douglas Tilden / Conveying Distance
2. Sign your 8 sentences to Schoology week 22 Practice (Sign Final Friday)
1. TEST--ASL U Lesson 7/ Cities & States/ Douglas Tilden / Conveying Distance
2. Sign your 8 sentences to Schoology week 22 Practice (Sign Final Friday)