Sunday, March 29, 2020

Week 29 Year 2019-20 ONLINE Learning

Week 29  ONLINE Learning
OnLine Learning due to School closing..
Your Direction what to do will start here and you will do and submit most of your work using Schoology

B. Watch and sign along with ASL University Lesson 9 on YouTube 
-->Submit on Schoology ASL University Lesson 9 D Vocabulary and Sentences 

Tuesday--Class Discussion--Schoology discussion board...
1.  Sign two questions from the vocabulary sentences (9  B & C & D) in two separate post on the discussion board.
2.  Once you have signed your two questions you must reply to two other people.
    2a.  Your reply must be original and must be a complete sentence as we have practiced in class.
3. Do not all do the same questions mix it up.
4. If you post early you will have to check back.

***Please respond under the persons post that way people can follow the conversations that are happening. If the person asked two questions in a post then you have to answer both. Thank you.

**if it appears that nothing is happening after you Video type your name in the text Box then post.  Your video will then post. 

*** Sign one question per entry

Wednesday: Fingerspelling practice: Handspeak
~~~Post your screenshot see directions in  Schoology wk 29 Wednesday

1. Funday Picture: Post a picture that gives you hope for the future.  Schoology

Friday:  End Quarter #3