Monday, May 11, 2020

Week 32-32-34 ONLINE Learning

Week 32-32-34  ONLINE Learning
OnLine Learning due to School closing..
Please go to  Schoology for your lessons and directions and Attendance

Friday, April 17, 2020

Week 31 Year 2019-20 OnLine learning

Week 31  ONLINE Learning
OnLine Learning due to School closing..
Your Direction what to do will start here and you will do and submit most of your work using Schoology


Friday--Elective Class Day

1.  Practice the words and the sentences you can use the video you can use the links to the dictionary and sentences. 
Practice words and sentences 5 X's each 
1a. **You will need to continue to practice these vocabulary and sentences all week 1-2 x's a day. 

2.  Once you have Practiced all the words and Sentences: Pick any 5 word and any 5 sentences to sign to the camera... (check back to make sure your video posted properly if not you will need to try again and chalk it up to practice)

Week 30 Year 2019-20 OnLine learning

Week 30 Year 2019-20  OnLine learning
Week 30  ONLINE Learning
OnLine Learning due to School closing..
Your Direction what to do will start here and you will do and submit most of your work using Schoology


Friday--Elective Class Day
Go to Schoology See the Wednesday-Friday Assignment
Celebrate National ASL day by Signing "HAPPY ASL DAY"
Texting and Emailing  or Sign here to Ferzo that you completed the task and wishing him a Happy ASL DAY! 
The day is April 15th... If you missed the day please respond today! 

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Week 29 Year 2019-20 ONLINE Learning

Week 29  ONLINE Learning
OnLine Learning due to School closing..
Your Direction what to do will start here and you will do and submit most of your work using Schoology

B. Watch and sign along with ASL University Lesson 9 on YouTube 
-->Submit on Schoology ASL University Lesson 9 D Vocabulary and Sentences 

Tuesday--Class Discussion--Schoology discussion board...
1.  Sign two questions from the vocabulary sentences (9  B & C & D) in two separate post on the discussion board.
2.  Once you have signed your two questions you must reply to two other people.
    2a.  Your reply must be original and must be a complete sentence as we have practiced in class.
3. Do not all do the same questions mix it up.
4. If you post early you will have to check back.

***Please respond under the persons post that way people can follow the conversations that are happening. If the person asked two questions in a post then you have to answer both. Thank you.

**if it appears that nothing is happening after you Video type your name in the text Box then post.  Your video will then post. 

*** Sign one question per entry

Wednesday: Fingerspelling practice: Handspeak
~~~Post your screenshot see directions in  Schoology wk 29 Wednesday

1. Funday Picture: Post a picture that gives you hope for the future.  Schoology

Friday:  End Quarter #3

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Week 28 Year 2019-20 OnLine Learning

Week 28: OnLine Learning due to School closing..
Your Direction what to do will start here and you will do and submit most of your work using Schoology

B. Watch and sign along with ASL University Lesson 9 on YouTube 
Submit on Schoology ASL University Lesson 9 C Vocabulary and Sentences 

Class Discussion--Schoology discussion board...
1.  Sign two questions from the vocabulary sentences (9 A & B & C) in two separate post on the discussion board.
2.  Once you have signed your two questions you must reply to two other people.
    2a.  Your reply must be original and must be a complete sentence as we have practiced in class.
3. Do not all do the same questions mix it up.
4. If you post early you will have to check back.

Review: Introducing Oneself Lesson 1 on ASL online webpage-- Watch and sign with each of the 9 videos.  Do First 5 videos Wednesday and Second 4 videos on Thursday.  Go to Schoology for a check in.

Review: Introducing Oneself Lesson 1 on ASL online webpage-- Watch and sign with each of the 9 videos.  Do First 5 videos Wednesday and Second 4 videos on Thursday.  Go to Schoology for a check in.

Fingerspelling practice: Fingerspelling practice do 20 minutes of practice
Handspeak Fingerspelling Receptive practice Link 

**Submit a screenshot of your practice session see the directions that follow:
How to Screenshot with your chrome book and then what to do with it to get it to the assignment... See how LINK
Hold down the Ctrl + Switch window keys to capture a full screenshot.
Hold down the Ctrl + Shift + Switch window keys to capture a partial screenshot.

Technical LINK<-- Has pictures to show what your looking for so try :-)

To make a submission to an assignment from the web platform, students can:
  1. Click the assignment for which they'd like to make a submission.
  2. Click Submit Assignment in the Submissions area in the right column.
  3. Select one of these options:
    • Upload: Select a file saved to the computer.
    • Create: Create a document on the web using the text editor.
    • Resources: Select a file from the My Resources area or from a Resource App
  4. Click Submit to finish. 

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Week 27 Year 2019-20 OnLine Learning

Week 27 OnLine Learning due to School closing..
Your Direction what to do will start here and you will do and submit most of your work using Schoology 

Changes to Assignments may change as the week progress.

Week 27
B. Watch and sign along with ASL University Lesson 9 on YouTube 
Submit on Schoology ASL University Lesson 9 B Vocabulary and Sentences 

2-Tuesday--Practice ASL University Lesson # 9 Practice vocabulary and sentences 5X each watch ASL University Lesson 9 on YouTube   Submit on Schoology ASL University Lesson 9 B Vocabulary and Sentences 

1. Master ASL  Fingerspelling Unit 2 Activities  5 & 6. Practice Each word list 5X each. SIGN #6 TO THE CAMERA

2. Fingerspelling Reading fingerspelled words you write/type and submit through Schoology ...

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Week 26 Year 2019-20

Week 26

MASL U3F:#1&2 Geography and Conversation
#1-Geography--> practice at table with table mates (All) , then Rotate the room numbered off to 1-5.
#2- Conversation--> Practice asking the questions and answer the question the the Q's and Responses provided. 

Tuesday= Late Start

1. ASL University Lesson #9 Introduction (Lifeprint)
2. Practice the ASL vocabulary and Sentences (Sheet) (Group and individual)
3.  ASL University Lesson #9 Video Link

Wednesday= Library
Sign to Camera: MASL U3F:#2 Geography and Conversation
#2- Conversation--> Practice asking the questions and answer the question the the Q's and Responses provided. 

      A = ASL University Lesson #9 Introduction (Lifeprint)
   B = Practice the ASL vocabulary and Sentences (Sheet) (Group and individual)
C = ASL University Lesson #9 Video Link

Thursday = Library
           A = ASL University Lesson #9 Introduction (Lifeprint)
      B = Practice the ASL vocabulary and Sentences (Sheet) (Group and individual)
C = ASL University Lesson #9 Video Link
Sign to Camera the Questions and Answers to ASL University Lesson #9
This will be a partner Activity.  Your computer you are the Question asker and your partner will answer in a complete sentence (correct info, restate question, add information etc.) Own the question and responses shown with facial expression.

Fingerspelling Activity MASL U2:#3&#4  pg 8 

Practice #3 (3X each)
Practice #4 (3X each)
With a partner Sign #4 to a partner and the partner write what you sign Mix up hte order but sign all correct when finished indicate which ones were correct and not correct.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Week 25 Year 2019-20

Week 25

1. MASL U3E:1 How Far Away is that? 
---> Sign the hometown & State indicate how far it is.
Write your sentences on the Assignment sheet provided
Practice and then sign with a partner to Schoology Camera.

(Sign Dictionary has most locations use this link to "Spread the Sign"

2. Finish Early Practice Cities and States See Thursday Links below-->

1. Fingerspelling With partner your write 6 sentences (U2#2) with the Names and Vocabulary terms provided... Then sign your sentences to your partner and your partner writing the name and vocabulary word you included... (write and sign as a sentence [ASL GLOSS])

2. Each student will sign their sentence in the circle for the others to write...

3. Finish Early Practice Cities and States See Thursday Links below-->

Wednesday= Class in Library
1.  Practice ASL University Lesson #8 
Sign to the camera for 8B sentences and any 5 different vocab from lesson 8 you have not signed previously Schoology

Finish Early Practice Cities and States See Thursday Links below-->

Thursday= 1/2 day Conferences
Class in Library
1. Practice: Major Cities in the US and Canada in ASL--Use your Written names of the city and how you would sign it to review using the video
 2. Practice Video:   50 States Practice...

TEST--United States--> States and Cities Schoology

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Week 24 Year 2019-20

Week 24

1. MASL U3E:2  Where is...?  Pg 81-82 (pdf 11-12)
---Ask the partner where the location is and then the partner will give direction.
2. Video: Cities Popular Signs
2a. Video Major Cities in US and Canada in ASL
3.  Practice ASL University Lesson #8 

1. Spatial Agreement Reading and Questions
2. Practice signing Distances Far-Moderate Far-Near<--- Video
3. Major Cities in US and Canada in ASL--Write the name of the city and how you would sign it.  (35) Practice signing the Cities
4. Video:   50 States Practice...

1. MASL U3E:1 How Far Away is that? 
---> Sign the hometown & State indicate how far it is.
Practice and then sign with a partner to Schoology Camera.

1.  Practice ASL University Lesson #8 
Sign Two Videos one for 8B sentences and one for 8C sentences.

MASL Pg 84 Name Signs Reading: Create a user guide with Google Slides

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Week 23 Year 2019-20

Week 23
Monday = No School president day.

Tuesday = No School president day.

Wednesday =  Introduction: Vocabulary ASL University Lesson 8

Thursday = 
1. Vocabulary ASL University Lesson 8 Practice

2. Vocabulary ASL University Lesson 8 Sign to Schoology

3. Fingerspelling: Unit 2  Activity #1 Sign the word list 4X each and then sign the 5th time to Schoology

Friday =

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Week 22 Year 2019-20

Week 22


1. Opener Video:
Telling Location of Objects in ASL: Conveying Distance

Major Cities in US and Canada in ASL

World Continents and Regions in ASL

Countries in ASL - 2013 Summer

50 States of America - 2nd Edition | ASL - American Sign Language

Michigan cities signs

2. Review: Sentences ASL University Lesson 7ASL University Lesson 7 Sheet

3.  Cardinal Numbers 1-60

1. MASL Class exercise 3D:1 ---> 3D:1 Dialogue

2. Practice States and Cities from Monday see links. 

1. MASL Class exercise 3D:2 ---> 3D:2 Where?
Directions: Write in ASL Gloss the response to where you would find the items in the pictures in the activity.
2. Sign your 8 sentences to  Schoology  week 22 Practice (Thursday)

1. TEST--ASL U Lesson 7/ Cities & States/ Douglas Tilden / Conveying Distance
2. Sign your 8 sentences to  Schoology  week 22 Practice (Sign Final Friday)

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Week 21 Year 2019-20

Week 21

Monday =
MASL Class exercise B Activities: 1--> State Vocabulary--Interviews  & 2--> Introduce Person with the Person Background

Preview: Sentences ASL University Lesson 7
ASL University Lesson 7 Sheet

Tuesday =
MASL Class exercise C Activities: 1--> Non-Manual Signals... & 2--> Conversation (copy) ...

Introduce Sentences ASL University Lesson 7 -----> Practice sentences and vocab words
ASL University Lesson 7 Sheet

Wednesday =
Practice- ASL University Lesson 7 -Sign A  Video in Schoology Week 21
ASL University Lesson 7 Sheet

Thursday = (Sub Day)
1.  Practice and Sign-->Review Sentences ASL University Lesson 7
Sign to Schoology: 5 different Vocabulary and Sentences 7B
Video in Schoology Week 21

2. Practice Dialogue:  With another student, the Activity C-2--> Conversation (copy) ...   Each student will Sign with a partner both will sign the first person Dialogue in their Video and the second person Dialogue in the Second Video with their partner. You will be expected to complete the video on Friday.

Friday = (Sub Day)
1.  Practice and Sign-->Review Sentences ASL University Lesson 7
Sign to Schoology: 5 different Vocabulary and Sentences 7C
Video in Schoology Week 21

2.  Sign ActivityDialogue:  With another student, the Activity C-2--> Conversation (copy) ...   Each student will Sign with a partner both will sign the first person Dialogue in their Video and the second person Dialogue in the Second Video with their partner.  Video in Schoology Week 21

Monday, January 27, 2020

Week 20 Year 2019-20 New Semester 2

Semester 2
Week 20

Monday = NO School Records Day

1. Review: ASL University Lesson 6
Video: ASL University Lesson 6 Video #1
Video: ASL University Lesson 6 Video #2 new
Website: ASL University Lesson 6

2. Practice the sentences Lesson 6 partner pair share for class

 1. Review: ASL University Lesson 6
Video: ASL University Lesson 6 Video #1
Video: ASL University Lesson 6 Video #2 new
Website: ASL University Lesson 6

2. MASL Where you From? and Exercise A Unit 3 --Activity #1

1. Review: ASL University Lesson 6
Video: ASL University Lesson 6 Video #1
Video: ASL University Lesson 6 Video #2 new
Website: ASL University Lesson 6

2. MASL Where you From? and Activity A Unit 3 --Activity #2


1. Review: ASL University Lesson 6
Video: ASL University Lesson 6 Video #1
Video: ASL University Lesson 6 Video #2 new
Website: ASL University Lesson 6

2. MASL Where you From? and Activity A Unit 3 --Activity #3


Monday = No School Records Day
Tuesday = 
1.  Opener Video: Giving Directions #1   Giving Directions #2
Use the laptops (Teacher will Video and post on the blog)
Cardinal Numbers 1-60
Wednesday =
2.  New Sign Vocabulary 159-161
4.  SN 3-4 Moving Letter Z
   SN 3-3 and SN 3-4
Use the laptops (Teacher will Video and post on blog)
Cardinal Numbers 1-60
Thursday =
2.  New Sign Vocabulary From Unit 3
Friday =
2.  New Sign Vocabulary From Unit 3 New Sign Vocabulary 
3. Practice Sentence: Where people Live etc.
4. CEC Topic: Topic Form

Will Everybody Speak The Same Language?

Monday, January 20, 2020

Week 19 Year 2019-20

Week 19 

Monday= No School Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Tuesday = 
1. Fingerspelling and Sentence Signing Final

Wednesday = Final Exams Hours 1&4*

Thursday = Final Exams Hours 2&5

Friday = Final Exams Hours 3&6*

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Week 18 Year 2019-20

Week 18


1.  Opener Video: WH-Questions Structure
Information seeking Questions 

Topic Comment Sentence structure

2. Final Review:  ASL Review pages 4 

3. Review Vocabulary ASL University Lesson 1-5

1.  Practice For Final: Reading Sentences ASL University Sentences Lessons 1-6
-> -->> --->>> Go to Schoology Week 18
      Write the sentences as they are signed

2.  Fingerspelling and Number Practice: (This is for fingerspelling practice) (This is for number practice)

3.  Practice Reading ASL Sentences and writing what is signed: Schoology week 18


1. ASL Review pages 5 

2. Practice Signing Sentences from ASL University Sentences Lessons 1-6
    Pick Two sentences from Each Lesson and Sign to  Schoology Assignment.

3.  Fingerspelling practice video #1 LP (6 min)

4.  Fingerspelling practice video#2 LP (6 min)

5.  Fingerspelling practice video #3 LP adv (13 min)


1.  Final: Reading Fingerspelling

-> -->> --->>> Go to Schoology Week 18

Final ASL1:  Read ASL Sentences can be any sentence from ASL University Lesson 1-6.
-> -->> --->>> Go to Schoology Week 18

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Week 17 Year 2019-20

Week 17

1. Opener Video: Socializing With Deaf People ┃ ASL Stew

2. Practice Video Link  Cardinal Number 20-29

3. Watch Video: --Cardinal numbers 1-30 Video

4. Practice lesson 1-6 Vocabulary first 20 minutes
ASL University Lesson 1-6 Link

Bonus Vocabulary:
ABC Lesson 1 Link
ABC Lesson 2 Link
ABC Lesson 3 Link
ABC Lesson 4 Link

Tuesday =

1. Opener Video:
Deaf Awareness Month| How To Interact With Deaf & Hard Of Hearing People
Deaf Innovators Throughout History

2. Practice: Class Activity (Teacher see SN 2-8) Shapes and Signers perspective

3. Watch Video: --Cardinal numbers 1-30 Video

4. Practice lesson 1-6 Vocabulary first 20 minutes 

5.  Review ABC Lessons Vocabulary and SN Lesson Vocabulary
Bonus Vocabulary:
Lesson 1 Link
Lesson 2 Link
Lesson 3 Link
Lesson 4 Link

ASL SN Unit 1 Link+vocabulary

ASL SN Unit 2 Link vocabulary

Thursday =

1. Opener Video (review) : 5 Parameters of ASL

2. Deaf Culture: Why Study ASl /Deaf Culture / Common Myths about ASL... Notes

3. Why Study ASl /Deaf Culture / Common Myths about ASL

4. Fingerspelling and Numbers: Video Tape Students For Final Grade Words and numbers will be provided on the day you present to the Camera

Friday =

1. Opener Video: Different Styles of Sign Language? : ASL - PSE - SEE




(Intro 3) ASL (American Sign Language) PSE (Pidgin Signed English) SEE (Signing Exact English)

2. Deaf Culture: Lipreading / ASL Grammar...Notes

3. Review work Lipreading / ASL Grammar  -- Review Questions Link Pg 3

4. Practice Fingerspelling and Numbers: Next weekVideo Tape Students For Final Grade : Words and numbers will be provided on the day you present to the Camera